I wish for some harmony between
the person I want to be and the one I should be
or the person I am and the one who I see myself as.
I am slowly losing my identity and dissolving
into everything around me that isn’t me.
Can you come visit me here?
Remind me who you remember me to be.
And I don’t need support or an anchor
and I promise to not hold on to you
or drag you down with me
but Yu, I want to see you some time.
It is as if of all the people who have happened to me yet
I can only remember you.
The moments spent with you are the only ones that aren’t hazy.
I want to scold myself for this,
for the feelings that are imposing on me,
uninvited, unveiled, unnerving.
I am certain that if I will myself to be okay
I can be okay some day;
Can you ask me how I am?