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I hope you had stayed

tracing silhouette of epiphanies on my bare skin.

is intimacy only physical?

how much time is adequate

to know someone?

lifetime? three meetings? six kisses?

what unit does one measure feelings in?

why are there suddenly new questions in my head?

when is desire innocent? when is it pure? and when is it only selfish?

how does one know?

do two hearts ever even connect equally?

I don't think so.

one always breaks more than the other.

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Sometimes when I read Hugo, or Hemmingway, or look at old photographs of Dazai I wonder what must have it been like to be an object of...


I wish for some harmony between the person I want to be and the one I should be or the person I am and the one who I see myself as. I am...

self portrait

my corset made of ribs, my mouth full of teeth, no tongue, no tongue, no taste, no speech, my fingernails curled with dirt beneath, my...


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